Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone
rescue you from the heat of summer?

(It has been around 90 degrees here in Boston for
the past couple of days with more to come!)

Wouldn’t it be great to have someone else get
behind the wheel and steer you and a handful of
your favorite people out to see the city of Boston
from a cool and refreshing perspective?

And wouldn’t you just love, upon arrival,
to have drinks and food waiting, served by
a friendly and most hospitable crew?

Sounds like a dream to be able to kick back and
relax, enjoy good company and conversation,
and quite possibly a fabulous sunset ...

My friend Mary and her husband Steve run the ship (and captain it, too) at the Wildest Dream, which travels the Boston shoreline (north and south shores) for custom excursions (day, half day, etc.). Give them
a call (tell them I sent you : ) to arrange your
own private escape from the heat!!!

– All photos courtesy of Vista Yacht Charters –

“Vista Yacht Charters provides its guests with an up-close and personal view of the natural and historic beauty that Boston and its shoreline have to offer. Those who travel aboard VYC choose from day, half-day or custom excursions to Boston Harbor and the surrounding 34 Boston Harbor Islands, the Charles River and Esplanade, the U.S.S. Constitution (“Old Ironsides), and to points of interest along the north and south shore.Take advantage of our summer charter rate specials by calling Captain Steve Briggs @ 781-258-7344.

from Vista Yacht Charters, LLC website

Vista Yacht Charters online

Check out their Photo Gallery

Read about the June 2010 charity event
that Wildest Dream participated in ...


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