How was your 4th? We spent the day on Singletary lake in Sutton with my husband’s family. It was mostly relaxing (despite water, boats, and fishing rods which typically unnerve me while trying to keep an eye on four boys!) There was also a lot of great food, conversation and photo taking (this was a Blacker bash after all!) Here are some of my favorite shots. Above is Summer, the family dog of the South shore Blacker’s (we are the North shore Blacker’s, and the West Coast Blacker
s were also in attendance along with the rest of the original Blacker clan, plus over a couple dozen kids and many significant others!)

Lots of fish were caught (and released).

Boats were decorated in red, white and blue.

My favorite included an
all-American trumpet solo.

The sunset after the boat
parade was spectacular.

The fireworks were a sight to be seen,
but not easily captured on film.

Back home today, we continued the celebration!


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