Mary Donovan and Luis Munoz
of First Oriental Rugs

Things are moving right along as I head toward the final stages of preparation for my participation in the North Shore Design Show: Favorite Spaces at the Wenham Museum. Next week I will be setting up my 8 x 8 foot space ... the show opens on Friday (big gala event to look forward that I need to find an outfit for!) I will also need a small moving van for all my pieces and props that I have collected for the show! Fortunately, some of the larger pieces will be delivered like the carpet I chose at First Oriental Rugs in Danvers. Gallery Manager Mary Donovan (who has graciously assisted me with carpet inquiries in the past) and Luis Munoz, Head Showroom Assistant (who FYI is “the general miracle worker on staff) were extremely helpful this week as we pulled many samples from their extensive collection of fine rugs. After looking at some gorgeous selections, I made my decision. Below are a few that I loved, but the
final choice will be a surprise!

Thank you Mary and Luis for your
professional assistance and advice!

If you have been wondering what ever happened to my master bedroom renovation ... I have
completely taken over the trimmed, prepped and primed space to use as my workroom for the show (the broken mirror above and lots of furniture pieces are currently being transformed in there). It is so nice to work in a white space with no visual distractions! After the show, we will finish painting this room, add carpet, etc.
But first things first, right?

Here is a sneak peek of a bit of wallpaper
that arrived safely from overseas.

Some of my favorite items were delivered yesterday from cb2. In this box are some pretty cool items!
Stay tuned for final previews next week!

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