Fashion Coach Susan Kanoff and
Professional Life Coach Ginny Williams

Do you ever feel that life is pulling you in many directions, but you just don’t know which way you are headed? And then to top it off, you can’t imagine what to wear when you get there?? This past Saturday, fashion expert Susan Kanoff and professional life coach Ginny Williams teamed up to present
their best tips on how to get closer to finding the answers in a life changing workshop titled
Reinventing Yourself from the Inside Out

These women are truly passionate about helping their clients to make life choices with confidence ... whether those choices involve balancing work and family, dealing with a major life change (or two or three), creating a stylish wardrobe, or just trying to get to the bottom of “what is it that makes me happy and how do I create more of that while weeding out the stuff I don’t like? I think we all have those days when we wish there were some signs along our personal journey that could clarify things a bit like “Don’t take that job ... it’s a dead end or “Put that dress back on the rack, you’ll never feel comfortable wearing it and
I don’t care if it is on sale!

A great example of a stylish outfit that flatters,
worn by audience member Maria Markey.

Some of Susan’s wardrobe staples:
fashion tape to discreetly secure what is loose,
wrinkle spray to smooth things over,

a craft box to store jewelry tangle-free,
and a stylish black wedge to look good on the go.

Coach Ginny with
Kathleen Rose-Johnsen
KoolKat Design

While a lot of us go to friends or family when we need our most urgent questions answered like “does this outfit make me look ... ?” there are times when a fresh perspective from a non-related person is in order! I have discussed personal goal setting with Ginny on many occasions. She has really helped me to focus on what I want more of in my life. Her ability to ask the right questions, really listen to my replies and then guide me toward finding my own answers has been like talking to a best friend/cheerleader/fairy godmother/emotional therapist all rolled into one! Just following her on Twitter, I am reminded often of how to take a positive approach to facing life’s daily challenges that can either slow us down or inspire us to greatness. And while I have not worked with Susan before (although I would gladly empty my closet and start fresh in exchange for one day of power shopping with her!) I have been following her on Twitter where she links to her favorite places to shop, offers “client” discounts and highlights current trends in fashion.

Twitter Logo and Bird

Susan Kanoff on Twitter: Fashion Coach
Ginny Williams on Twitter: Coach Ginny

More workshops like this will be scheduled in the future.

When someone loves what they do, they are able to share a special joy with the people around them. Saturday’s workshop was a lot like that. I left feeling like I had been in the company of women who really care about helping others to be happy in their own skin, doing what they love and enjoying the journey!

A few years ago, I attended Oprah’s Live Your Best Life tour when it was in Boston. This workshop felt very similar in its ability to uplift and inspire. I will end today’s post with a great quote that Ginny
used to begin Saturday’s event ...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

– Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love


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