
CityGirl by designvignettes on

I have been shopping for a special trip-to-the-city outfit, which reminded me of this style-with-an-edge post that I was working on with Fashion Coach, Susan Kanoff. Urban and chic, these looks are for the budget-conscious fashionista! Whether decorating a studio apartment, or filling a dorm closet with day-to-night fashions, incredible style can be had at a reasonable price. It is all about attitude!
And you don’t have to be 20-something to appreciate a bargain : )

Edgy College Student Day to Night

Edgy College Student Day to Night by Fashioncoach

The reason why I am shopping ...

You know when you work really hard to achieve some kind of goal and then you almost stop trying because you just aren’t sure if your efforts are paying off plus you really should be trying to find a legitimate way to pay the bills that keep showing up one after another ....

Well, I am so glad that I have continued to keep doing what I love – writing a design blog and putting myself out there by connecting with others in my industry – because this week I feel like I have connected a lot of dots and am finally starting to see the big picture! And I love what I see! Can I just list a handful of the better headlines from my week?

Photo borrowed from Nate’s blog

1. I am invited to be an audience member at THE NATE BERKUS SHOW next week in New York! Remember when I devoted a blog post to Nate back on Nate Day? Well I will get the opportunity to see the very show I posted about being taped at his studio, along with an audience that will be full of design bloggers just like me! My friend, Rosanne who also writes a design blog, will be joining me, and I already know that a bunch of Boston bloggers will be heading to NY, too! This news would be enough to keep me floating for weeks, but there is more ...

2. Yesterday I discovered I was quoted in the premiere issue of RueMagazine (see page 4!)
If you haven’t checked out the launch of this much anticipated on-line designer-eye-candy that is filled with amazing ideas and resources, beautifully designed
and produced by a super-creative team of hard working bloggers, then do it now (well, after you
finish my post ; )

3. I received confirmation that I will have an online decorating column of my own with a new local news source for the town of Lynnfield.
I will be answering decorating questions and will be highlighting local businesses that relate to interior design. How fun is that?! If you have any questions you want answered, send them my way!

4. I even met a lovely new client with a gorgeous home who would like my design help.

5. I still can’t share this surprise yet ...
but I promise it is BIG!!!!

I mean, really, I can hardly stand all this good news at once! And I am not saying that I did not have my share of not-so-good moments this week, but I prefer to look on the bright side and toast unbelievably-special happenings like these that seriously don’t come
along that often!

I will fill you in with more details sometime next
week. Like who I met, what everyone wore, what
Nate is like in person ...

“Pinch me, I must be dreaming

P.S. In case you are reading this ...
Happy Birthday, Nate!


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